An Early Start for Third Year of PhD

It has been more than 2 weeks since I wrote my last post. Sorry for the short hiatus, sorry for not being consistent in writing. Hehe~ Actually I marked 1st August as the unofficial start date of my third year. Although my new semester will start at the end of September, I purposely created my own academic calendar so that I would be more productive. Therefore, I took time to adapt myself to this new strategy and surprisingly I am more passionate about my research. Alhamdulillah!


Maybe because my path is now ‘clearer’, in the sense that now I know which direction I am heading to, my level of enjoyment increased and I became more motivated to work harder and smarter. Hopefully, this momentum will remain or increase throughout this third year. I have no idea about my future but I sincerely hope that I can gain lots of knowledge and experience and produce something useful and worthy for my thesis.

Let us try to be more organized this time and let us see the result. For me this is an experiment to see if my new approach/strategy really works or it is just an overly ambitious dream. May Allah bless us all and shower us with his barakah. Do not give up! We can do this! 🙂


7 Comments Add yours

  1. intan says:

    good sharing… maybe I have to do like yours also… i’m also entering my third year of my phd

    1. UP Firuz says:

      All the best for you! Let’s try our best ^_^

  2. intan says:

    firuz, macam mana firuz buat kerja hari-hari? sebab firuz kan jaga anak sendiri kat umah kan..

    1. UP Firuz says:

      memang susah sikitlah sebab tak boleh ikut jadual belajar macam orang lain. saya banyak buat kerja waktu anak tidur. nanti saya kongsikan jadual belajar di blog ye 🙂

      1. intan says:

        TQ firuz… will wait for it

  3. madameeta says:

    very good entry, saya baru ditahun pertama. selamat berkenalan

    1. UP Firuz says:

      Thank you. All the best for your PhD journey. ☺

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